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Phil Earle's new book, While the Storm Rages, is set in London during WWII, and follows Noah on his journey to save the neighbourhood's pets.
Phil grew up in Hull and has had a number of jobs including working in pubs and travel agencies, and as a care worker in a residential kids home. He then worked in the children's section of a bookshop and started to try to write for children, before he began working in publishing. He now lives in West Yorkshire with his partner and three children and tries to write 500 words every day.
Author Feature on ReadinZone: https://www.readingzone.com/authors/phil-earle/
While the Storm Rages - reviews and extract on ReadingZone: https://www.readingzone.com/books/while-the-storm-rages/
When the Sky Falls - reviews and extract on ReadingZone: https://www.readingzone.com/books/when-the-sky-falls/
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